





This webpage utilizes linked selection, meaning that if you click a row in the table the corresponding point on the map will be highlighted. Also, you can select any number of points on the map using “Make a selection” button on the upper left hand side of the map and the table will be filtered to only show the corresponding rows.

About Combined Sewer Overflow

Urban sewer systems are designed to collect and transport sewage, industrial wastewater and storm water runoff to wastewater treatment facilities. Modern sewer systems employ a separate system to collect sewage and storm water runoff and transport these to treatment facilities and surface waters, respectively. However, many older localities continue to employ a combined sewer system (CSS) wherein sewage, industrial wastewater, and storm water runoff are collected in one pipe for transport to treatment facilities. A significant disadvantage to combined systems is the potential for the collective volume of wastewater and storm water runoff to exceed the capacity of the system during wet weather events. When this occurs, a CSS is designed to permit a portion of the untreated combined wastewater to overflow directly into the nearest surface water through outfall structures. The location and discharge of untreated combined wastewater through these structures are referred to as combined sewer overflows (CSOs).

For more information, visit the Ohio’s EPA webpage.



Combined Sewer Overflow Events and Childhood Emergency Department Visits: A Case-Crossover Study

Cole Brokamp, Andy Beck, Louis Muglia, Patrick Ryan

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


Built by Cole Brokamp using Flexdashboard, DataTables, and Leaflet.

title: "Combined Sewer Overflow Site Activity (2010-2014)"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
    theme: bootstrap
    source_code: embed
    logo: CCHMC-LOGO.png

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

d <- rio::import('cso_dashboard_data.RData')
d_shared <- SharedData$new(d)

Map {data-icon='fa-map'}

Column {data-width=650}


leaflet(d_shared) %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$Hydda) %>% 
  setView(-84.516058,39.159412,zoom=12) %>%
  addCircleMarkers(group='markers', radius=4, stroke=FALSE,
                   fillOpacity=0.8) %>% 
  addMeasure(primaryLengthUnit = "meters", primaryAreaUnit = "sqmeters",
             activeColor = "#3D535D", completedColor = "#7D4479")


Column {data-width=350}


          colnames=c('CSO ID','CSO Name',NA,NA,
                     'Total CSO Events'),
          filter = 'top',
                       columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE,

About {data-icon='fa-question-circle'}

Column {data-width=500}

### Using

This webpage utilizes linked selection, meaning that if you click a row in the table the corresponding point on the map will be highlighted.  Also, you can select any number of points on the map using "Make a selection" button on the upper left hand side of the map and the table will be filtered to only show the corresponding rows.

### About Combined Sewer Overflow

Urban sewer systems are designed to collect and transport sewage, industrial wastewater and storm water runoff to wastewater treatment facilities. Modern sewer systems employ a separate system to collect sewage and storm water runoff and transport these to treatment facilities and surface waters, respectively. However, many older localities continue to employ a combined sewer system (CSS) wherein sewage, industrial wastewater, and storm water runoff are collected in one pipe for transport to treatment facilities. A significant disadvantage to combined systems is the potential for the collective volume of wastewater and storm water runoff to exceed the capacity of the system during wet weather events. When this occurs, a CSS is designed to permit a portion of the untreated combined wastewater to overflow directly into the nearest surface water through outfall structures. The location and discharge of untreated combined wastewater through these structures are referred to as combined sewer overflows (CSOs). 

For more information, visit the Ohio's EPA [webpage](

Column {data-width=500}

### Manuscript

Combined Sewer Overflow Events and Childhood Emergency Department Visits: A Case-Crossover Study

Cole Brokamp, Andy Beck, Louis Muglia, Patrick Ryan

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

### Webpage

Built by [Cole Brokamp]( using  [Flexdashboard](, [DataTables](, and [Leaflet](